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Barriers to Connectedness (Shiree)

Intro:What barriers did you encounter in trying to establish connectedness? Recommend focusing strictly on the barriers here and providing detail on “why” they were barriers.


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Supportive Team Climates: Building Connectedness Through Communication

Christopher W. Moore

Kelly Olejar

Shiree Halley

Michael Primo

MarQuis Travis

MGT508: Leadership of Teams

Module 02 SLP

Trident University International

Dr. Virginia Johnson

NovemberXX, 2017


The purpose of this paper is to review how Team Bravo utilized communication tools to establish task and interpersonal connections. This paper will, utilizing an analytical approach,answer the question, “How did Team Bravo establish task and interpersonal connections to build trust across among team members to achieve the team’s common goal.”In order to provide an answer to this question we will examine the following issues. First, we will consider how the importance of establishing task and interpersonal connections. Second, we will examine the tools utilized for collaboration, explaining why these tools were chosen, and how they established task and interpersonal connection.Finally, we will consider barriers encountered and what Team Bravo did to try and address these barriers.

Supportive Team Climates: Building Connectedness Through Communication

The purpose of this paper is to review how Team Bravo utilized communication tools to establish task and interpersonal connections. This paper will, utilizing an analytical approach, answer the question, “How did Team Bravo establish task and interpersonal connections to build trust across among team members to achieve the team’s common goal.” In order to provide an answer to this question we will examine the following issues. First, we will consider how the importance of establishing task and interpersonal connections. Second, we will examine the tools utilized for collaboration, explaining why these tools were chosen, and how they established task and interpersonal connection.Finally, we will consider barriers encountered and what Team Bravo did to try and address these barriers.

Establishing Task Connection (Chris)

This author would suggest that the key component of Team Bravo’s success in establishing task connection with each team member is directly connected to a clear sense of purpose, which was established in the early stages as the team began to form.Harrell and Tugrul write, “…trust is more than just considering the possible outcomes of future events: it also involves action by making a commitment despite uncertainty” (2009, p. 46).The members of Team Bravo were geographically separated and none had any previous connection prior to the start of this course of instruction.However, early in the forming phase a mutually beneficial shared goal of successfully completing this course and learning and growing from each other was established.Each team member, either consciously or sub-consciously, agreed to support the total team by committing to fully contributing and participating in all team activities to achieve the mutually shared goal of successfully completing the course. How does establishing task connection build virtual team trust?In summary, this author would suggest that individual values and commitment to the teams shared goal helped to strengthen the individual team members task connection and build trust across Team Bravo’s virtual team. Next, let’s exam the importance of establishing interpersonal connection amongst Team Bravo and how that contributed to the overall success of the team.

Establishing Interpersonal Connection (Chris)

This author would suggest that communication in near real-time along with a clearly established task connection directly contributed to Team Bravo’s ability to establish strong interpersonal connections and further build trust amongst team members. It was interesting to observe, after the completion of our first assignment,many of the team members really beginning to have fun with the assignment. For example, Michael jokingly commented about wanting to get his “piece of the pie completed early” so that he could enjoy his piece of Thanksgiving pumpkin pie (M. Primo, Threaded Discussion, November 14, 2017). One could observe a little bit of hesitancy in the initial team posts, but as Team Bravo completed Module 1 and started moving down the path towards completing Module 2, success spurred the desire for continued success. Team members began openly encouraging one another, even offering to help one another on individual assignments if necessary; all to ensure the success of the total team. Team Bravo established interpersonal connection and turned that connection into team success because each member of Team Bravo had a strong internal desire to see the entire team succeed.Next, let’s take a closer look at the tools that Team Bravo utilized to establish task and interpersonal connection and to build trust amongst team members.

Threaded Discussion and Yammer (Kelly)

Intro:Did our choice of collaboration tools support the team’s efforts to establish connectedness? Thinking this paragraph should focus on how we utilize the TD and Yammer.


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Intro:This paragraph should go into detail on how the TD and Yammer did or did not establish connectedness and explain the “why” or “why not.”


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Barriers to Connectedness (Shiree)

Intro:What barriers did you encounter in trying to establish connectedness? Recommend focusing strictly on the barriers here and providing detail on “why” they were barriers.


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Addressing the Barriers (Michael)

Successful teams must overcome barriers associated with team connectedness.According to Krammer (2001), in order to maximize a team’s overall productivity each member must remain actively connected with the other team members, despite being geographically separated. The biggest barrier to connectedness Team Bravo experienced was establishing connectivity to TUI’s Yammer application. Using the Yammer platform established an alternative venue for sharing information. All members were eventually connected to the Yammer platform enabling effective information sharing in case the primary platform failed.The availability of an alternate means of communication and sharing information plays an integral part of Team Bravo’s success.In order to fully understand solving the issues associated with task and interpersonal connections, threaded discussion forums and the Yammer platform, and identifying and overcoming connectedness barriers, an exploration of lessons learned must be accomplished.

Lessons Learned (MarQuis)

Intro:Know this is not part of the SLP assignment, but think this is a great way to identify one lesson learned from this. Also, it puts us on track for a 3+ page report :o)


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The purpose of this paper was to review how Team Bravo utilized communication tools to establish task and interpersonal connections. This paper utilized an analytical approach to answer the question, “How did Team Bravo establish task and interpersonal connections to build trust across among team members to achieve the team’s common goal.” In order to provide an answer to this question we examined the following issues. First, we considered the importance of establishing task and interpersonal connections. Second, we examined the tools utilized for collaboration, explaining why these tools were chosen and how they established task and interpersonal connection.Finally, we considered barriers encountered and what Team Bravo did to try and address these barriers.



Harrell, G., Diam, T. U., (November/December 2009). Virtual Teams and the Importance of

Building Trust. IT Professional Magazine. Washington: Vol. 11, Issue 6; pp 46-49

Krammer, M., (2001). Staying Connected: Tips for Virtual Team Members. Retrieved November

14, 2017 from:…

Primo, M. (November 14, 2017). Module – 2 Team Bravo SLP Discussion. [Msg 10]. Message

posted to…

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