
PowerPoint Presentation

Civil Liberties v. Civil Rights: Create a PowerPoint slide show explaining what Civil Liberties and Civil Rights are. Your slide show should consist of 10-14 slides (not including a title slide and reference slide which you must have) and should include, but not be limited to:

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ï‚· Definition of civil liberties and discuss how these rights are protected on a federal and state level

ï‚· Definition of civil rights and discuss how these rights are protected on a federal and state level

ï‚· Two cases involving civil liberties taken up by the Supreme Court from 1800-2005

ï‚· Two cases involving civil rights taken up by the Supreme Court from 1800-2005

ï‚· One case involving civil liberties ruled on by the Supreme Court in the last 2 years

ï‚· One case involving civil rights ruled on by the Supreme Court in the last 2 years

ï‚· One leader of civil liberty causes ï‚· One leader of civil rights causes (within the last 5 years)

ï‚· Two pictures

ï‚· Explanation of how each of these Supreme Court decisions have influenced minority groups, and the effects they have had on the struggles for equal rights

ï‚· The status of equal rights today

You may include additional information you feel is relevant, but do not create more than 14 slides. Remember that you must include a title slide and proper APA reference slide in addition to the 10-14 slides. Use your creativity, and organize the material in a logical and understandable manner. Do not use the note portion of the slides; these will not be accessible to faculty in the submitted document.

This assignment requires Microsoft PowerPoint, or a comparable presentation program. Other programs include Open Office ( and Google Docs ( Google Docs is a free program similar to MSOffice and housed on the web. Open Office is a piece of open source software similar to MSOffice, but requires a download and installation.

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