
Use proper grammar and spelling in your post. Please make sure to make one original post (most be posted more than 24 hours before the due date for full credit) and two replies. Full points will only be awarded for posts that are on topic, thorough, and substantive.

  • I had you watch two TED talks, one by Dan Gilbert (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and one by Daniel Crosby (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. These discuss the way in which we experience the world as humans and how that effects our ability to invest soundly. Choose one of the issues discussed and provide your opinion why this topic is important, something you learned or an insight you gained, and what steps, if any, we should be taking to overcome this as we seek to invest wisely. You may also post a question if you like, and I can forward it to Dr. Crosby and see if he can give you an answer. This part is not required.
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