
Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Six, you will evaluate your classmates’ Milestone Two submissions in a small group peer review. This activity will be submitted in the group discussion forum. In order to access this forum, first, click on the link via the assignment title on the module page to access the group pages. Next, click on your assigned group, and then click into the Group Discussion Board under the Group Tools tab. You will then be able to click into the 6-1 Small Group Peer Review: Milestone Two Submissions forum to participate in this peer review. Your active participation in the course is essential to your overall success this term. Opportunities for peer review and feedback will help you understand how colleagues will interpret communications. This peer review offers you the opportunity to express your own thoughts and gain insight from your classmates’ responses to improve your communication skills in developing appropriate criminal justice policy issue recommendations. For this review, you are to evaluate your classmates’ Milestone Two submissions, the historical analysis and analysis of relevant criminological theories. Post your Milestone Two submission to the group discussion forum per the instructions above. Provide feedback to two of your classmates’ submissions. To ensure feedback is received evenly among your classmates, review the two posts submitted right after yours (located directly above your initial post). If you are the last student to post, review the first two students’ submissions. Consider the following as you create your peer review: 1. Did your classmate consider all aspects of the history of the policy that was selected? 2. Did your classmate discuss all potential criminological theories that might be relevant to the policy? 3. Did your classmate sufficiently identify and address the key trends, both modern and historical, that have shaped the evolution of the state or federal public policies surrounding the selected public policy issue? The comments you provide should be in the form of a constructive peer review featuring a discussion of the strengths of the milestone submission as well as areas that could be improved. Remember to keep the tone of your comments positive and constructive. You are reviewing the paper, not the person. You will need to review the rubric for this assignment before beginning your review, and use the critical elements to help guide your review.

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