
Graphic design job hunt journal Orlando Under each city, list at least 10 shops located in the area Under each of these shops,Orlando city

Florida, Orlando

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2. Creative Circle

3. Motion Graphic Designer The Creative Group

4. On-Air Design l Motion Graphics l Animation Designer icreatives

5. Associate Graphic Designer Pearson plc

6. Digital Designer NBC Universal

7. Graphic Designer Kratos Defense

8. Graphics Designer/Artist Digitec Interactive

9. Digital Designer NBC Universal

10. Universal

City 1: City

3: (Under each city, list at least 10 shops located in the area Under each of these shops,) I have done this part check up

– Address
– Phone Number

– Website
– CLIENTS (past and/or present?)
– Specialties
– Creative Director
– Other contacts
– Other (any other information to scribble in your notes, any connections,

any great awards, etc. – the more information, the better!)

Break these into tiers.
1) Tier 1 ($ spent, targeted, drop off in person if possible)

2) Tier 2 (somewhere in the middle, less expensive version of self-promo piece) 3) Tier 3 (default letter with no reference to your future call, no self-promo) Are there any jobs posted in these three cities, even if the position is not at one of your 10 researched shops? could you do that for me ?

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