
1) Status Set:a) List a status set that includes at least five

statuses that you currently have.
•• Remember: A status is simply a position you
fill in society. It may be a job title, but it could
also include a position you fill within a family
or a community. For more information,
review Section 4.3 in your webtext.
Label each status in your status set as ascribed, achieved, or master.
Remember: An ascribed status is one you’re born with and have no control over. An achieved status is reached through your own efforts or simply good or bad luck. A master status is so important that it overrides your other statuses. For more information, review Section 4.3 in your webtext.
Choose one status from your status set.
Describe the role that is associated with the status.
Describe how you learned that role.
Remember: A role is the behavior expected of someone with a certain status. For more information, review Section 4.4 in your webtext.
Role Conflict:
Choose two statuses from your status set.
Describe a time when you experienced a conflict because of the demands of your two different roles associated with those statuses.
List at least two different ways you could have resolved the conflict. For example, could you ask someone for help? Or could you go online to research a possible solution?
Describe the approach you took to resolve the conflict. What was the result? Would you do things differently next time?
Social Networks:
A social network includes all of the relationships that link you to other people and groups. Through social networks, you can connect with people who may be able to offer you valuable advice, introductions, or opportunities.
Identify an area of interest that you would like to pursue, either professionally or personally. It could be a job or industry, a volunteer position, or a social group.
Examples: accounting, volunteering with the elderly, joining a book club
Identify and describe three people in your social network (people you know personally) who have a connection, or might know someone connected to your area of interest. These three people may be work colleagues, family members, or close friends.
Remember: For privacy reasons, do not list their names in this assignment. Instead, identify them as Person A, B, and C.
For each person, write a brief description of why you selected them, and how they are connected to your area of interest.
Identify the person who you think is the best contact for you to communicate with about your area of interest. Why did you choose that person?
Positive Impressions:
When you interact with other people in your social networks, you usually want to make a positive impression on them. Online, you can do that by using certain strategies when you create profiles.

Imagine that you are creating an online profile on a professional social networking site, such as LinkedIn. The first person who will see your profile is the person in your social network that you identified above. Write a detailed description of the type of impression you would want to create with your profile.
Identify five components of a professional networking profile that others will use to get an impression of who you are.
Create a headline for your professional networking profile that targets the job, opportunity, or industry you’re interested in. (See “Headline” section of article above).

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