
I need to collect story information from the user by using an array that can hold 5 values. I need to collect the information using the defined array and not the single data. I am having a lot of trouble with this. This is being done using VBscript

I also need to know what the collected information from the user with a defined array would be

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I also need to add a few lines to the end of the story for the sequel where your arch nemesis comes for revenge!

Note: The string can only output a certain number of characters. You will need to shorten the story in some way in order to add the sequel hook.

The script is as follows


‘Script Name: Captain Adventure.vbs

‘Author: Jerry Ford

‘Created: 02/28/02

‘Description: This script prompts the user to answer a number of questions

‘and then uses the answers to create a comical action adventure story.


‘Perform script initialization activities

Option Explicit

‘Specify the message to appear in each pop-up dialog title bar

Const cGameTitle = “Captain Adventure”

‘Specify variables used by the script

Dim strWelcomeMsg, strName, strVacation, strObject, strFriend

Dim strFood, strStory

‘Specify the message to be displayed in the initial splash screen

strWelcomeMsg = “Welcome to the story of .


” & vbCrLf & _

vbCrLf & “CCC” & space(14) & “A” & vbCrLf & _

“C” & space(17) & “AAA” & vbCrLf & _



Adventure gets his super powers” & _


‘ Welcome the user to the story

MsgBox strWelcomeMsg, vbOkOnly + vbExclamation, cGameTitle

‘Collect story information from the user

strName = InputBox(“What is your name?”, cGameTitle,”Joe Blow”)

strVacation = InputBox(“Name a place you would like to visit.”, _


strObject = InputBox(“Name a strange object.”, cGameTitle,”Soda Can”)

strFriend = InputBox(“Type the name of a close friend.”, _


strFood = InputBox(“Type the name of your favorite dessert.”, _


‘ Assemble the Captain Adventure story

strStory = “Once upon a time .


” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

strName & ” went on vacation in the far away land of ” & strVacation & _

“. A local tour guide suggested cave exploration. While in the cave ” & _

strName & ” accidentally became separated from the rest of the tour ” & _

“group and stumbled into a part of the cave never visited before. ” & _

“It was completely dark. Suddenly a powerful light began to glow. ” & _

strName & ” saw that it came from a mysterious ” & strObject & ” ” & _

“located in the far corner of the cave room. ” & strName & ” picked ” & _

“it up and a flash of light occurred and ” &strName & ” was ” & _

“instantly transported to a far away world. There in front of him ” & _

“was ” & strFriend & “, the ancient God of the legendary cave ” & _

“people. ” & strFriend & ” explained to ” & strName & ” that ” & _

“destiny had selected him to become Captain Adventure! He was ” & _

“then returned to Earth and told to purchase a Winnebago and travel ” & _

“the countryside looking for people in need of help. To activate ” & _

“the superpowers bestowed by ” & strFriend & ” all that ” & strName & _

“had to do was pick up the ” & strObject & ” and say ” & strFood & _

“three times in a row.” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

“The End”

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