
Closely read the following article. Create a post identifying what kinds of bias might influence the study results and/or where the background of the researcher might influence their perceptions. You will see any posts of others only after you create yours. When examining research for the influence of bias or personal/political agendas, examine the following questions.

  1. When looking at the conclusion – see if it answers the question that was originally posed. Does it seem to be based on the data that was shared? Did the author(s) acknowledge the potential flaws in their work? Did they identify future steps for research?
  2. Did the authors mention any specific ethical considerations? What steps did they take to address the APA Code of Ethics and its concern with the well being of people participating in the study.

Shaw, J., & Porter, S. (2015). Constructing Rich False Memories of Committing Crime. Psychological Science, 26(3), 291–301.

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