
1. The Statue of Liberty has a plaque that says:

“Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send them, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

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Is this welcoming attitude still appropriate in today’s America?

2. The Populist Party was one of the few “third” political parties to have an impact on the national political scene. Discuss one or more of the following:

Why is it so difficult for third-party movements to succeed in the United States? Did the Populist party ever have a chance? Did it miss or misplay an opportunity that might have led it to become stronger and more influential than it was? Is the experience of the Populist party in any way instructive to the challenges today of launching a third-party movement?

3.Did the United States make the correct decision in going to war against Spain in 1898? Or, do you feel it was it an unnecessary war? Why, or why not?

4.What was the importance of the third-party (Progressive/”Bull Moose”) candidate and party on the outcome of the 1912 election? Explain.

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